Comadso is the leading European provider of
insurance comparison solutions

At Comadso, we provide solutions that enable insurance companies to get a real-time and always up-to date overview of their own product offerings and how they compare to competitors

+270 insurance companies
+30 clients
+4,000 users
8 countries represented

Why Comadso

We believe that insurance companies in general should focus more on quality than price, when offering customers insurance products. Frequently, the focus is mainly on price, when insurers make comparisons with other providers of insurance products.

Comadso has developed a powerful software tool that simply and effectively enables insurance companies to compare differences between insurance products, including e.g. coverage, restrictions and exclusions, when offering its products to customers.

Our solutions thereby enable insurance companies to improve customer service, increase sales, and reduce discounts by providing better advice of existing as well as potential customers.

What is Comadso

We simplify comparison of insurance products, one of the most complex financial service products on the market. At the same time, we provide insurance companies with access to daily updated insurance product information based mainly on terms and conditions across the industry.

The core element in our solutions is an advanced and innovative comparison tool built on a comprehensive and daily updated database containing current as well as historic information about +270 insurance companies across Europe.

Our solutions

Comadso offers three different solutions tailored to specific client needs

Basic Access

A web-based SaaS solution that offers clients direct and 24/7 online access to our comparison tool at

System Integration

Seamless API integration of our solution into the client’s own sales tool.

Web Integration

Our comparison tool integrated directly into the client’s own website using API.


We also offer various professional services to support and increase the value of our solutions

Read more about our solutions

Our clients

More than 30 insurance companies across Europe are growing their business with Comadso

Comadso’s current clients are insurance companies located in Europe.
Our solutions are used by insurers, agencies, tied agents, brokers and banks.

Our first solution was introduced to Danish clients in 2010 and today,
Comadso is Europe’s leading provider of solutions for insurance product comparison.

Book a demo

Experience our comparison tool in action with a personalized 1:1 demo

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Book an online demo at your convenience and learn how Comadso can help you:

  • Increase sales by providing better customer service
  • Save time and costs when analyzing insurance products
  • Attract new customers and improve customer retention
  • Generate high-quality sales leads

Book now